About Us

Delivering a lived-experience solution to realise the Inside Academy vision of changing the way prisoner education is done in order to transform the lives of those affected by the criminal justice system.

David and Rachel

Established in 2020, Rachael and her husband (and dedicated course leader) David have used their unique experience of the Criminal Justice System and life experience as successful business owners to develop a lived-experience solution, which is to realise the Inside Academy's vision of changing the way prisoner education is delivered to transform the lives of offenders.

This vision will see the prison education system better equipped to meaningfully give those with complex barriers to employment the tools they need to succeed upon their release.

The prison community is the golden thread running through the Inside Academy. This ethos has been strengthened with additions to our governing board, including Criminal Justice workers; business owners who inclusively employ ex-offenders; prison healthcare professionals; and a fundraiser who specialises in working with ex-offender social entrepreneurs.

Our Partners

The Inside Academy is supported by The National Lottery and Kings College London. Without their incredible backing our work would simply not be possible and we are incredibly grateful for their involvement in our ambition. 

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a partner of the Inside Academy please click the button for further information.  

Our Vision 

To develop a lived-experience solution to change the way prisoner education is done to transform lives. 

This will see the prison education system better equipped to meaningfully give those with complex barriers to employment the tools they need to succeed upon their release.

our vision

“Prison education should help inmates build confidence and a sense of achievement. Teachers and those around prisoners need to inspire them in their subject or vocation and motivate them to learn.”

Chief Inspectors Amanda Spielman (Ofsted) and Charlie Taylor (HM Inspectorate of Prisons)

Our Values


To always be led by lived experience.


To be innovative and enterprising.


To inspire individuals with complex barriers to employment.


To instill confidence in our students’ own ability and self belief that they can excel in their business.

  • David- Course Leader

    David has lived experience of the UK prison system and a background in e-commerce consultancy, making him the perfect course leader, which sees him design the course modules, ensure accreditation criteria are met, and deliver and develop the courses in prisons. Driven by what he felt was a lack of valuable educational offerings in prisons, David is passionate about prison education reform. He works closely with multiple organisations to help drive change in this area.

  • Rachael

    Rachael- Director

    Rachael’s lived experience of the UK prison system led her to co-found the Inside Academy in 2021. Driven by the flaws she saw in the prison system and the impact that had on the families of those incarcerated, Rachael was determined to drive change and provide more opportunities for anyone impacted by a prison sentence. Her areas of focus within the Inside Academy include Business Development, Fundraising, Communication, and running ‘Second Chance Clothing,’ a social enterprise that sells pre-loved clothing on eBay, which helps to fund projects in prisons in the UK.

  • Sam

    Sam- Trustee

    Neil ‘Sam’ Samworth worked as a prison officer in Strangeways, now HMP Manchester, for eleven years between 2005 and 2016 before an unprovoked attack by a prisoner left him injured and suffering from PTSD. His book Strangeways: My Life as a Prison Officer consisted of his diary from this period and is an Amazon best seller. Sam is passionate about prison reform and brings a wealth of experience to the Inside Academy.